Aug 27 2021

What’s new in Blazor WebAssembly 6

Category: Blazor | Blazor Controls ToolkitFrancesco @ 11:30

With the new .Net 6.0, tat is still in preview,  Blazor WebAssembly gained new interesting features, such as error boundaries, AOT compilation, query-string handling, and the dynamic component. Each of the upcoming new feature will be described in a separate section.

Error boundaries

As a default when an error in a component occurs, the exception is intercepted by the .Net runtime that automatically makes visible the error code contained in index.html:

<div id="blazor-error-ui">
    An unhandled error has occurred.
    <a href="" class="reload">Reload</a>
    <a class="dismiss">??</a>

In the new version component exceptions can be intercepted by the new <ErrorBoundary> component, as shown in the example below:

@foreach (var forecast in forecasts)
            <td colspan="4" class="my-error">Nothing to see here. Sorry!</td>


The <ChildContent> template contains the markup to check. Whenever, an exception is thrown by a component inside <ChildContent> the markup inside <ErrorContent> is shown and the exception is caught.

AOT Compilation

Once uploaded in the Browser, .Net assemblies are not compiled Just-In-Time (JIT) at their first execution as it is the case for other platforms. Instead, they are interpreted by a very fast interpreter. Just the .Net runtime is pre-compiled and uploaded in the Browser directly in WebAssembly.

JIT compilation is avoided since it would considerably increase the application start time, that already is quite high because of the high application download size (about 10Mb). In turn, the download size is high due to the .Net libraries that any Blazor application needs to work properly.

In order to reduce download size, during the compilation in release mode, Blazor .Net assemblies are tree-shaken to remove all unused types and methods. However, notwithstanding this tree-shaking, the typical download size remains quite high. A good download improvement is achieved with the default caching of the .Net runtime which reduces the download size to 2-4 Mb. However, the download size still remains high the first time a Blazor application is visited.

Staring from .Net 6, Blazor offers an alternative to JIT compilation: Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation. With AOT all application assemblies are compiled into a unique WebAssembly file during the application publication. On the average AOT compilation makes the code 4 times faster (from 2 times to 10 times faster). Unluckily, AOT compilation increases more than twice the download size, since the compiled code is more verbose than the source .Net code. Therefore, AOT should be adopted only in performance-critique application that can trade a higher start time for a better performance.

AOT compilation is very slow and may last something like 10 minutes also in the case of small applications. On the other side, it must be executed only once when the application is published, so the compilation time doesn’t impact on the application start time.

.NET WebAssembly AOT compilation requires an additional build tool that must be installed as an optional .NET SDK workload in order to use. The first time you can install it with the shell command below:

dotnet workload install microsoft-net-sdk-blazorwebassembly-aot

Instead, when a new .Net version is installed, it is enough to launch the following command to update all previously installed workloads:

dotnet workload update

Once the AOT workload has been installed AOT compilation can be enabled on per-project basis by adding the <RunAOTCompilation>true</RunAOTCompilation> declaration to the Blazor project file, as shown below:


Page URLs Support Query Strings

In the new .Net 6 version pages can extracts parameters also from the URL query string. Thus, for instance, if a page with URL @page “OrderItem/{id}” is invoked with the OrderItem/3?quantity = 123 URL, then it can capture the quantity parameter. This parameter can be captured by a page property math matches “quantity” in a case-insensitive comparison, and that is decorated with the [SupplyParameterFromQuery] attribute, as shown below:

@code {
    public int Quantity { get; set; } = 0;

Dynamic Component

The new <DynamicComponent> makes easy to a variable content to a page. More specifically, <DynamicComponent> is passed the type and the parameters of a component and invokes it as shown below:

<DynamicComponent Type="@componentType" Parameters="@parameters" />

@code {
    private Type componentType = ...;
    private IDictionary<string, object> parameters = ...;

The component actually rendered by the dynamic component can be accessed trough its Instance property, and, when needed, refreshed as shown in the example below:

<DynamicComponent Type="@componentType" Parameters="@parameters" @ref="dc" />

@code {
    private DynamicComponent dc;

    private Type componentType = ...;
    private IDictionary<string, object> parameters = ...;
    private Task Refresh()
        return (dc.Instance as IRefreshable)?.Refresh();


Multi-Select Support

In version .Net 6 when a <InputSelect> component is bound to an IEnumerable<T> it is rendered as a multi-select, thus enabling the user to select multiple values.


That's all


Francesco Abbruzzese

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Jul 3 2020

Blazor Controls Toolkit is out!


Start with all comforts, save 70% of your development time: a few declarations are enough to generate the markup you need  and  the whole server interaction code: forget about input fields, the right input filed is generated automatically based on the property type and ViewModel attributes! Changes tracking, to compute changes for the server, query tools to query local and remote data (also server side query tools to power-up your API controllers are included) , advanced components that include grids, detail lists and trees. Basically all components can be Drag and Drop enabled, you don’t need to handle the Drag and Drop process, because you drag automatically the data that are bound to your markup!

Don’t worry about how to prevent the application you send to the client browser from being copied by hackers: you may rely on a double protection:

  1. Your code is protected by the best protector available on the market: Reactor, that is bundled with Blazor Controls Toolkit.
  2. Once Blazor Controls Toolkit is included as a dependency the whole application works properly only if it is validated by your server side Core application with a complex cryptographic challenge. As a consequence your application is enabled to run properly only when it is connected with your web server!

Below more details about Blazor Controls Toolkit features, but you can try also all of them live:

  • The equivalent of all Bootstrap JavaScript components.
  • A complete set of input controls that includes all Html5 inputs or their fallback when they are not supported by user browser, dropdowns and autocompletes.
  • Validation attributes , and other metadata attributes that enable the developer to define how to render and edit data in a purely declarative way! You just put a generic edit or display component in your markup and the Blazor Controls Toolkit generate automatically for you the markup that implements the behavior declared with your model attributes: space to reserve for each field, the right Html5 input and / or auto-complete to use, and so on.
  • Default validation messages, and default button text/labels are already localized in various languages, and the develpèer can customize all of them. Moreover, each customer can require the localization kit to insert his language in the Blazor Controls Toolkit, in case it is not supported, yet. This demo application shows all localized default messages, and labels. However, with the only exception of this introduction page all other application-specific contents are not localized.
  • Changes tracking, tracking of invalid objects, and model transactions. All handled with uniform interfaces throghout all components. They prevent futher processing on invalid objects, enable the user to revert changes, and computes all changes to send to the server (additions, deletes and modifications).
  • Utility components, like modals, Tabs, pagers, and navigation tools
  • All components and html fragments can be drag-drop enabled, and bound to models. As a result of the drop operation list elements or grid rows are moved to different positions or modify the model bound to the drop target.
  • Behaviors that enrich existing Html element and other components with further features like collapsing, fading, input focus, visibility spy, anchor target spy.
  • Complex customizable components like DataGrids,TreeViews, Detail views, and Detail lists. Each component has its default row and column template that the developer can replace with custom ones.
  • Query tools for filtering, sorting, and aggregating data.These tools include components that enable the user to select the desired operations, attributes to declare how to build each filter view, and OData tools to translate the desired operations in OData format, to retrieve data from OData enabled servers, and to OData-enable your controllers.
  • All components are accessible, and can be operated easily with just the keyboard. After each operation, the focus is moved where more appropriate for continuing keyboard processing. If possible accessibility is enforced also on developer provided custom templates

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Jun 24 2020

State Management and Error Recovery in Blazor WebAssembly part 2

State Management and Error Recovery in Blazor WebAssembly part 1


In the first post of this series we discussed the various options available to represent state information in Blazor WebAssembly. Our conclusion was that the best option is to represent state information in data structures held in Blazor Dependency Injection engine, and to store them on disk (IndexedDb, localStorage) only when the user leaves the application or when the application is about to crash.

We gave also a way to catch unhandled exceptions in order to save the application state before the application crashes. However, are we sure there are no other events that might cause the in-memory state be lost? Of course there are! User might inadvertently navigate to an external page, or he/she might close the application browser page / tab. Luckily, in all these circumstances we can exploit the onbeforeunload and onunload events. More specifically, in case there are uncompleted tasks and the user is about to leave the application we can use the onbeforeunload event to ask confirmation, and in case the user decides to proceed we can use the onunload event to save the state of all uncompleted tasks.

So now we have a complete plan! We need to decide just how to represent all state tasks and how to save them on disk.


Representing Tasks State

We have seen that it is convenient to enclose each Task state in a containe classr, so each processor can easily detect when a task is being processed just by looking if the container is empty or not. In case a container is empty a new task can be created from scratch and put in the container so that also other pages can find it.

Let modify the code of the first post to add a TasksStateService class. As a first step let  create a State folder in the StateManager library project. Then let move the StateContainer.cs file that is in the client project to this new folder. After that, let modify the file namespace to “StateManager” to yield:

namespace StateManager
    public abstract class StateContainer
        public abstract object RoughState {get;}
    public class StateContainer<T> : StateContainer
        public T State { get; set; }
        public override object RoughState => State;

We can add also a method that verify if a task is executing:

namespace StateManager
    public abstract class StateContainer
        public abstract object RoughState {get;}
        public abstract bool IsRunning {get;}
    public class StateContainer<T> : StateContainer
        public T State { get; set; }
        public override bool IsRunning { get {
                return State != null && !State.Equals(default); } }
        public override object RoughState => State;

We can index all task States with a dictionary enclosed in the  TasksStateService class. Let add this class to the same state folder and let replace the scaffolded code with the following code:

namespace StateManager
    public class TasksStateService
        private Dictionary<string, StateContainer>
            = new Dictionary<string, StateContainer>();
        public bool IsRunning(string x)
            return OverallState.TryGetValue(x, out var state)
                && state.IsRunning;
        public bool IsDirty()
            return OverallState.Values
                .Any(x => x.IsRunning);

The IsRunning method returns whether the Task indexed by string x was started and not yet completed, while IsDirty returns whether there is or not at least

a task that is running and needs to be saved.

Now we can add also a method to get an existing state or create it if it doesn’t exist:

public T Get<T>(string x, bool createNew)
    if (OverallState.TryGetValue(x, out var state))
        if (state.IsRunning) return (T)state.RoughState;
        else if (createNew)
            var res = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
            ((StateContainer<T>)state).State = res;
            return res;
        else return default;
    else if (createNew)
        var container = new StateContainer<T>
            State = Activator.CreateInstance<T>()
        OverallState[x] = container;
        return container.State;
    else return default;

Finally, we need a method that finishes a task, thus resetting its container:

public void Finish<T>(string x)
    if (OverallState.TryGetValue(x, out var state))
        ((StateContainer<T>)state).State = default;

With all this in place we can start using our TasksStateService, it is enough to add it to the Dependency Injection of the application project.

For this purpose it is enough to add it to the AddStateManagemenet extension method in the “Extensions/StateHandling.cs” file of the StateManager

library project:

public static IServiceCollection AddStateManagemenet(
    this IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IErrorHandler, DefaultErrorHandler>();
    services.AddLogging(builder => builder.CustomLogger());
    //add the line below
    return services;


At this point the only missing piece is a state saving/reloading facility.

Saving and reloading the application state

Now we have to decide where and how to save the application state: localStorage can only store strings, while IndexedDb can store also object graphs that satisfy certain constraint.Unluckily, we can’t take advantage of the better opportunity offered by IndexedDb since we can’t move object graphs from WebAssembly to JavaScript, since Blazor interop features just cope with JSON-serializable graphs, that are essentially object trees.

Unluckily, in the general case the complete state of a .Net Core Task is not a tree but a more complex graph. Therefore, we are left with the only option sketched below:

  1. Serialize state information with the powerful .Net Core binary serializer.
  2. Transform bytes returned by the binary serializer into a BASE64 string that can be moved to JavaScript as a string.
  3. Once we have state information represented as a string the simplest and more efficient storage option is localStorage.

We can proceed as follows:

  1. When application start if there is a saved state we load it. We can also improve this step by asking the user if he would like to restore a previously saved  state.
  2. Once the user decides to load or discard the previous state we delete the stored state to prevent the application to load it again at next application start, in case no new state is saved.

Of course our library project will provide just the save, load, and delete methods that the developer can use as he/she prefer to build a custom state management strategy.

Serialization and Deserialization

As a first step let write two protected methods that perform serialization and deserialization of the application state. It is not convenient to serialize the whole dictionary containing state information, it is better to filter just KeyValue pairs containing uncompleted tasks. The serialize method code is straightforward:

protected string Serialize()
    var toSerialize=OverallState
        .Where(m => m.Value.IsRunning)
    string result=null;
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
        var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        formatter.Serialize(stream, toSerialize);
    return result;

The deserialize method is the exact converse:


protected void Deserialize(string s)
    byte[] binary = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(binary))
        var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        var res = formatter.Deserialize(stream)
            as List<KeyValuePair<string, StateContainer>>;
        OverallState = res.ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => m.Value);

BinaryFormatter requires that all classes to be serialized/de-serialized  be marked with the [Serializable] attribute. Therefore we must add it to both StateContainer, and StateContainer<T>:

    public abstract class StateContainer


    public class StateContainer<T> : StateContainer


Now we miss just the routines to store retrieve, and delete serialized strings from localStorage.

Interacting with the localStorage

We need to call methods of window.localStorage from TasksStateService C# code, so we must inject the IJSRuntime interface in its constuctor (see here for more information about the usage of the IJSRuntime interface). Moreover, TasksStateService needs also an instance of the IErrorHandler interface to add an event handler to its OnException event that saves the state in case of errors.

Therefore, let add both interfaces to the TasksStateService constructor, and let save both interfaces in private variables:

IJSRuntime JSRuntime;
IErrorHandler ErrorHandler;
public TasksStateService(IJSRuntime jSRuntime,
    IErrorHandler errorHandler)
    JSRuntime = jSRuntime;
    ErrorHandler = errorHandler;
    ErrorHandler.OnException += SaveError;

SaveError is the error handler that saves the state in case of exceptions. Let write just its skeleton, we will complete it in a short time:

public async Task SaveError(Exception ex)

The SaveError handler must be detached when TasksStateService is destroyed, so TasksStateService must implement IDisposable:

public class TasksStateService: IDisposable


public void Dispose()
    ErrorHandler.OnException -= SaveError; ;


Now we have everything in place to write our Save method:

public async Task Save(string key)
        var s = Serialize();
        await JSRuntime
            .InvokeVoidAsync("window.localStorage.setItem", key, s);
    catch(Exception ex)

In case of errors we just write the error message in the browser console.

Load is completely analogous:

public async Task<bool> Load(string key)
        var s = await JSRuntime
                .InvokeAsync<string>("window.localStorage.getItem", key);
        if (s != null)
            return true;
        else return false;
    catch(Exception ex)
        return false;

In case no state is found in local storage, Load returns false.

We need also a Delete method to delete a previously recorder state after its recovery:

public async Task Delete(string key)
    await JSRuntime
        .InvokeVoidAsync("window.localStorage.removeItem", key);

Finally, we need a default name for the location where to store the saved state in case of unhandled exceptions, so we can fill also the SaveError method skeleton:

public string ErrorKey { get; set; }
public async Task SaveError(Exception ex)
    await Save(ErrorKey);

Our Save/Load state Ready! Now, we need just to modify our test application so we can test our TasksStateService class.

Testing the overall state management / error recovery logic

As a firs step let add the initialization logic of our state management/recovery to the program.cs file of our Blazor client application. For this purpose let add the following method to the Program class:

private  async static Task InitializeState(IServiceProvider services,
    string errorStateKey)
    var state=services.GetRequiredService<TasksStateService>();
    state.ErrorKey = errorStateKey;
    if (await state.Load(errorStateKey))
        await state.Delete(errorStateKey);


It gets the TasksStateService singleton, sets the name chosen for saving the state in case of crashes, and then tries to load a previously saved state. If it succeeds the Load method returns true, and the saved state is removed from localStorage.

This method must be called, at application start as soon as the application host has been built. Therefore, we need to replace the default code scaffolded by Visual Studio below:

await builder.Build().RunAsync()


var built = builder.Build();
await InitializeState(built.Services,
await built.RunAsync();

We can test everything in the Counter page. As a first Step we must create a state class for the state of this page:

namespace StateManagement.Client
    public class CounterStatus
        public int Counter { get; set; }

State types MUST be reference types so that when the a component modifies a copy it gets from TasksStateService, the copy held in the TasksStateService is automatically updated.

Moreover, each state object must have a default constructor, so it can be created, when needed, by the TasksStateService with the Activator class. Finally, it must be marked with the [Serializable] attribute for our serialization methods to work properly. Optionally, we may replace the [Serializable] attribute with the implementation of the ISerializable interface in order to provide a custom serialization logic.

When the page starts it must require a state instance to the TasksStateService singleton that must be injected in the page with something like:

private CounterStatus currentCount;
protected override void OnInitialized()
    currentCount = tasksStateService
        .Get<CounterStatus>("counter", true);

If a state object has been already created, that one is returned, otherwise a fresh one is created because we set the createNew parameter to true. The page will have a button to increment the counter and a button that throws an exception, so we can verify the state recovery capabilities of the application. The full code of the page is shown below:

@page "/counter"
@inherits ComponentBase
@inject StateManager.TasksStateService tasksStateService

<p>Current count: @currentCount.Counter</p>

<button class="btn btn-primary"
    Click me
<button class="btn btn-primary"

@code {
    private CounterStatus currentCount;
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        currentCount = tasksStateService
            .Get<CounterStatus>("counter", true);
    private void IncrementCount()
    private void TryException()
        throw new Exception();

Now let start the application, go to the counter page, increment a few times the counter, and then let click the “TryException” button. The application crashes and we are prompted to reload the browser page. When we reload the page the value of the counter is retained! We were able to recovery the application state.

If you don’t want to mark all state objects with a [Serializable] attribute, you can mark the Serialize and Deserialize methods as virtual, and override them with third parties serializer. Among them a good one is SharpSerializer. It overcomes the needs for the [Serializable] attribute but has other limitations.


Thats all for now! The code respository of the first post has been updated with the new code.

In the next post of this series we will add support for the onbeforeunload and onunload events.


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