Web development changed dramatically in the last few years and the Mvc Controls Toolkit team run after all changes to offer a state of the art toolkit, but now it is time to redesign the whole toolkit from the scratch! JavaScript world evolved, and web applications reliy always more on client side techniques. New JavaScript frameworks appears and evolve quickly, thus the need of a better separation between server side and client side world. The new Mvc 6 Controls Toolkit answers to these new Web Development boundaries are: TypeScript, a better separation of JavaScript world coordinated with server side C# code through trans-compilation of C# classes and attributes, native support of the most common client side frameworks like Angular.js, and Knockout.js, and open support for other client side framework by means of providers,…and more!
Please leave you feedback on the specifications of the new Mvc 6 Controls Toolkit!
Tags: TypeScript, JavaScript, Asp.net Mvc, Mvc, Asp.Net 5, Asp.Net, MVC Controls Toolkit, MVC Controls